Acupuncture Treatment Blog
Oct 2, 2014, 12:17 PM
It’s FALL in Eugene and the Willamette Valley! As we are consistently seeing lower temperatures, grey days, and increased moisture, we are also going to see an increase in fall allergy symptoms.
Jun 18, 2014, 2:00 PM
How to maximize your summer enjoyment as you go through the Allergy Elimination Process.
I came to Heidi for treatment in 2007, after I had been treated for a severe black mold infection. I was so exhausted that I could hardly take care of myself, much less work or do housework. I saw Heidi for acupuncture twice a week for several weeks and I took my Chinese herbal formula twice a day. Three months later I felt like a different person. My energy had improved and I felt like myself again. Now I see Heidi any time I feel like I’d out of balance. Thank you!